Getting Started with TranscribeIQ Teams Edition
  • 25 Aug 2024
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Getting Started with TranscribeIQ Teams Edition

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Article summary

Getting Started with TranscribeIQ Configuration

Welcome to TranscribeIQ! To get you up and running quickly, follow this simple guide to complete your setup and configuration.

Step 1: Authorize your Gong Connection with oAuth

  • Click Allow to authorize TranscribeIQ to connect to your Gong instance

Step 2: Provide Your Company Details

  • Company Name: Enter the official registered name of your company.

  • Primary Contact Email: Provide the email address of the person who will be the primary contact for this TranscribeIQ setup.

Step 3: Set Up Automation and Integrations

We’ll use your primary contact email to set up the following:

  • Slack Automations: We will configure TranscribeIQ automations for call analysis in your Slack workspace.

  • TranscribeIQ Slack Bot Installation: Our bot will be installed in your Slack for easy access to TranscribeIQ features.

  • G-Suite Integration: For the seamless creation and storage of documents, spreadsheets, and PDFs generated by TranscribeIQ.

Step 4: (Optional) Provide a Gong User List

  • If you want to analyze transcripts for specific users, upload a CSV, or text file with their first names, last names, and roles.

  • Alternatively, you can skip this step to analyze all Gong user recordings.

Step 5: Select Your AI Transcript Analysis Types

Choose the types of analysis you need. You can select multiple options:

  • Sales Call Summary: Get insights into your sales calls to refine strategies, methodologies, and improve outcomes.

  • Call Coaching - Sales and Customer Success: Enable coaching opportunities with detailed feedback and guidance.

  • Customer Call Summary: Receive summaries of calls for quick review of value, sentiment, friction, and action items.

  • Product Feedback: Use customer interactions to gather valuable product feedback.

  • New Customer Handoff: Generate a comprehensive document to ensure smooth customer kickoffs.

Step 6: Submission

Once you have filled in all the required information and made your selections:

  • Click the Submit button to send your configuration details to TranscribeIQ.

  • You will receive a confirmation email, and our system will begin the configuration process.

For any assistance or questions, please contact our support team at

We look forward to helping you gain valuable insights with TranscribeIQ!

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