TranscribeIQ Chrome Extension - Single Call - Call Stats
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TranscribeIQ Chrome Extension - Single Call - Call Stats

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Analyze Your Call Stats with TranscribeIQ’s Chrome Extension

Overall Call Stats

Description: The Overall Call Stats presents high-level call metrics such as duration, speaking time distribution, sentiment trends, speaker switches, and other key indicators. It provides a quick snapshot of the call dynamics and helps users benchmark their performance against industry standards.

Sample Output:

Overall Call Stats - NextGen Analytics Sales Call Date: October 10, 2025 Participants:

  • John Smith, NextGen Analytics Sales Rep

  • Jane Doe, Acme Corporation Procurement Manager

Call Duration: 45 minutes Speaking Time Distribution:

  • John Smith: 60%

  • Jane Doe: 40%

Sentiment Trends:

  • Positive: 65%

  • Neutral: 30%

  • Negative: 5%

Speaker Switches: 28 Interruptions:

  • John Smith: 2

  • Jane Doe: 1

Key Metrics:

  • Engagement Score: 4.2 / 5

  • Question Rate: 3.5 questions per minute

  • Longest Monologue: 2 minutes (John Smith)


  • Average Call Duration for Industry: 50 minutes

  • Average Engagement Score for Industry: 4.0 / 5

  • Average Question Rate for Industry: 3.0 questions per minute

Sentiment Stats

Description: The Sentiment Stats quantifies the distribution of positive, negative, and neutral sentiment expressed during the call. It helps users understand the overall emotional tone of the conversation and identify any notable sentiment patterns or shifts.

Sample Output:

Sentiment Stats - NextGen Analytics Customer Success Call Date: November 15, 2025 Participants:

  • Emily Johnson, NextGen Analytics Customer Success Manager

  • Mark Davis, Beta Corporation Data Analytics Lead

Overall Sentiment Distribution:

  • Positive: 70%

  • Neutral: 25%

  • Negative: 5%

Emily Johnson Sentiment Distribution:

  • Positive: 75%

  • Neutral: 20%

  • Negative: 5%

Mark Davis Sentiment Distribution:

  • Positive: 65%

  • Neutral: 30%

  • Negative: 5%

Key Sentiment Moments:

  • 00:05:30 - Mark Davis expresses frustration with current data analytics process (Negative)

  • 00:15:45 - Emily Johnson highlights successful use case at similar company (Positive)

  • 00:30:00 - Mark Davis expresses excitement about potential of NextGen Analytics (Positive)

Sentiment Shift Analysis:

  • Overall sentiment shifted from slightly negative to predominantly positive over the course of the call

  • Emily Johnson's sentiment remained consistently positive throughout the call

  • Mark Davis's sentiment started neutral to slightly negative but shifted to positive after discussing NextGen Analytics' capabilities and success stories

Keyword and Theme Stats

Description: The Keyword and Theme Stats highlights the most frequently mentioned keywords and themes across different speakers and segments of the call. It provides insights into the main topics of discussion and helps users identify areas of focus or concern.

Sample Output:

Keyword and Theme Stats - NextGen Analytics Implementation Call Date: December 10, 2025


  • Sarah Thompson, NextGen Analytics Implementation Consultant

  • David Lee, Gamma Corporation IT Manager

Top Keywords:

  1. Data Migration (15 mentions)

    • Sarah Thompson: 8 mentions

    • David Lee: 7 mentions

  2. Testing (12 mentions)

    • Sarah Thompson: 5 mentions

    • David Lee: 7 mentions

  3. Integration (10 mentions)

    • Sarah Thompson: 6 mentions

    • David Lee: 4 mentions

Top Themes:

  1. Data Quality (25 mentions)

    • Data Migration: 10 mentions

    • Testing: 8 mentions

    • Validation: 7 mentions

  2. User Adoption (18 mentions)

    • Training: 8 mentions

    • Change Management: 6 mentions

    • Support: 4 mentions

  3. Timeline (15 mentions)

    • Milestones: 7 mentions

    • Dependencies: 5 mentions

    • Risks: 3 mentions

Keyword Trends:

  • "Data Migration" was the most frequently mentioned keyword in the first half of the call

  • "Testing" became more prominent in the second half of the call as the discussion shifted to user acceptance testing and go-live readiness

Theme Insights:

  • "Data Quality" was the dominant theme throughout the call, indicating its importance to the successful implementation of NextGen Analytics

  • "User Adoption" emerged as a key theme in the latter part of the call, highlighting the need for effective training and change management strategies

  • "Timeline" was a consistent underlying theme, reflecting the focus on meeting key milestones and managing dependencies and risks

Engagement Analysis Stats

Description: The Engagement Analysis Stats examines various engagement metrics such as speaking patterns, interruptions, question-asking behavior, pauses, and response times. It offers insights into the level of participation, attentiveness, and rapport between the speakers.

Sample Output:

Engagement Analysis Stats - NextGen Analytics Sales Call Date: January 15, 2026 Participants:

  • Michael Johnson, NextGen Analytics Sales Rep

  • Lisa Chen, Delta Corporation Business Analyst

Speaking Time:

  • Michael Johnson: 25 minutes

  • Lisa Chen: 20 minutes


  • Michael Johnson: 3 interruptions

  • Lisa Chen: 2 interruptions

Average Speaking Turn Duration:

  • Michael Johnson: 45 seconds

  • Lisa Chen: 40 seconds

Questions Asked:

  • Michael Johnson: 12 questions

  • Lisa Chen: 8 questions

Pauses and Silence:

  • Total Pauses: 15

  • Average Pause Duration: 5 seconds

  • Longest Pause: 15 seconds

Response Time:

  • Average Response Time: 2 seconds

  • Longest Response Time: 8 seconds (Michael Johnson)

Engagement Insights:

  • The speaking time was relatively balanced between the participants, indicating an interactive and collaborative conversation.

  • The low number of interruptions suggests a respectful and attentive dialogue.

  • Michael Johnson asked more questions than Lisa Chen, which could indicate a proactive approach to understanding the customer's needs and concerns.

  • The average pause duration was brief, signaling a smooth flow of conversation and quick exchanges of ideas.

  • The response times were generally fast, demonstrating high engagement and attentiveness from both participants.


  • Encourage Lisa Chen to ask more questions to ensure her concerns and requirements are fully addressed.

  • Monitor interruptions and aim to minimize them to maintain a respectful and productive conversation.

  • Utilize pauses strategically to allow for reflection and processing of information, but avoid prolonged silences that may indicate disengagement or confusion.

  • Maintain the quick response times to keep the conversation dynamic and show attentiveness to the other participant's contributions.

Conversation Flow Stats

Description: The Conversation Flow Stats maps out the progression of topics throughout the call, including the time allocated to each topic, transitions between subjects, and the engagement level of each participant. It helps users understand the structure and flow of the conversation and identify any bottlenecks or diversions.

Sample Output:

Conversation Flow Stats - NextGen Analytics Customer Success Call Date: February 20, 2026


  • Emily Davis, NextGen Analytics Customer Success Manager

  • Andrew Kim, Epsilon Corporation Marketing Manager

Topics Discussed:

  1. Account Overview (5 minutes)

    • Emily Davis: 60% engagement

    • Andrew Kim: 40% engagement

  2. Performance Metrics (10 minutes)

    • Emily Davis: 50% engagement

    • Andrew Kim: 50% engagement

  3. Challenges and Concerns (15 minutes)

    • Emily Davis: 40% engagement

    • Andrew Kim: 60% engagement

  4. Solution Roadmap (10 minutes)

    • Emily Davis: 70% engagement

    • Andrew Kim: 30% engagement

  5. Next Steps (5 minutes)

    • Emily Davis: 50% engagement

    • Andrew Kim: 50% engagement

Topic Transitions:

  1. Account Overview → Performance Metrics

    • Initiated by Emily Davis

    • Smooth transition with clear context

  2. Performance Metrics → Challenges and Concerns

    • Initiated by Andrew Kim

    • Abrupt transition indicating a pressing issue

  3. Challenges and Concerns → Solution Roadmap

    • Initiated by Emily Davis

    • Effective transition to address concerns and provide forward-looking perspective

  4. Solution Roadmap → Next Steps

    • Initiated by Emily Davis

    • Natural progression to action items and follow-ups

Engagement Insights:

  • Andrew Kim was highly engaged during the "Challenges and Concerns" topic, indicating a need for further discussion and resolution.

  • Emily Davis was most engaged during the "Solution Roadmap" topic, suggesting a strong focus on providing value and addressing customer needs.

  • The "Account Overview" and "Next Steps" topics had balanced engagement, reflecting a collaborative approach to status updates and action planning.


  • Allocate more time to the "Challenges and Concerns" topic in future calls to ensure customer needs are fully addressed.

  • Encourage Andrew Kim to contribute more during the "Solution Roadmap" discussion to ensure alignment with his expectations and priorities.

  • Maintain the balanced engagement during the "Account Overview" and "Next Steps" topics to foster a collaborative and action-oriented relationship.

  • Monitor topic transitions and be prepared to adapt the agenda based on the customer's priorities and concerns.

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