TranscribeIQ Chrome Extension - Multi-Call Analysis
  • 16 Aug 2024
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TranscribeIQ Chrome Extension - Multi-Call Analysis

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Article summary

Multi-Call Analysis with TranscribeIQ

TranscribeIQ’s native Gong integration now supports multi-call analysis in the Conversations => Search section:

After filtering your search you can select up to 4 of your calls to analyze by clicking them, they will show in blue highlight when they are selected:

Customer Success - QBR, MBR, EBR Prep

Description: The MBR (Monthly Business Review), QBR (Quarterly Business Review), and EBR (Executive Business Review) prep prompts are designed to analyze call transcripts between your company's team and the customer. Each prompt extracts specific insights to prepare for different types of business reviews, varying in scope, depth, and strategic focus:

  1. MBR (Monthly Business Review) Prep: Focuses on short-term progress and immediate concerns. It provides a snapshot of the past month's achievements, current performance metrics, urgent needs, recent challenges, and actionable items for the upcoming month. This prompt is ideal for maintaining regular check-ins and addressing immediate issues.

  2. QBR (Quarterly Business Review) Prep: Offers a more comprehensive analysis over a three-month period. It delves into the value delivered, progress made, key performance indicators, opportunities and risks, evolving customer needs, and notable customer sentiments. This prompt also suggests questions and interaction tips based on specific frameworks, making it suitable for in-depth performance discussions and strategic planning.

  3. EBR (Executive Business Review) Prep: Targets high-level, strategic insights for discussions with executive stakeholders. It focuses on long-term value, ROI, alignment with the customer's strategic goals, future opportunities, and potential risks. This prompt is designed to facilitate conversations about the overall partnership, long-term vision, and strategic alignment between your company and the customer.

All three prompts analyze call transcripts to extract relevant information, but they differ in their time horizon, depth of analysis, and strategic focus:

  • MBR: Short-term focus (1 month), operational level

  • QBR: Medium-term focus (3 months), tactical and operational level

  • EBR: Long-term focus (6-12 months or more), strategic level

By using these prompts, you can prepare comprehensive, data-driven insights for different types of business reviews, ensuring that you address the appropriate level of detail and strategic importance for each meeting type.

Sample Output:

Quarterly Business Review (QBR) Prep

Description: This prompt analyzes call transcripts between the Customer Success team and the customer to prepare for a quarterly business review. It focuses on identifying value, progress, KPIs, opportunities, risks, customer needs, notable quotes, and suggested questions based on specific frameworks.

Sample Output:
NextGen Analytics and their customer, Global Retail Corp:

  1. Value and Progress:

    • NextGen's predictive analytics tool increased Global Retail's inventory turnover by 15% this quarter.

    • Successfully integrated NextGen's platform with Global Retail's existing CRM system.

  2. KPIs and Success Metrics:

    • Customer churn rate decreased from 5.2% to 3.8% since implementing NextGen's customer behavior analysis.

    • Average order value increased by 12% following the implementation of personalized recommendation engine.

  3. Opportunities and Risks:

    • Opportunity: Global Retail expressed interest in NextGen's new supply chain optimization module.

    • Risk: Concerns about data privacy regulations in new markets Global Retail is entering.

  4. Ongoing Discovery:

    • Global Retail is planning to expand into the APAC region and needs analytics support for market entry.

    • They're exploring ways to enhance their mobile app experience using real-time analytics.

  5. Notable Customer Quotes:

    • "NextGen's platform has been a game-changer for our inventory management." - Sarah Chen, COO

    • "We're seeing customer engagement metrics we've never had before." - Mike Ross, Head of Digital

  6. Suggested Questions and Interaction Tips:

    • "How do you see NextGen supporting your APAC expansion plans?"

    • "What would success look like for your mobile app enhancement project?"

    • Tip: Use the RAD approach to dive deeper into Global Retail's long-term vision for data-driven decision making.

Monthly Business Review (MBR) Prep

Description: This prompt analyzes call transcripts to provide concise insights for a monthly business review. It focuses on short-term progress, current performance, urgent needs, recent challenges, customer feedback, and specific action items.

Sample Output:
NextGen Analytics and their customer, Global Retail Corp:

  1. Short-term Progress:

    • Implemented real-time inventory tracking across 50 stores

    • NextGen's A/B testing tool increased email campaign click-through rates by 25%

  2. Current Performance:

    • Key KPI: Daily active users of the analytics dashboard increased by 15%

    • Notable change: Time spent on data analysis reduced by 30% compared to last month

  3. Urgent Needs & Quick Wins:

    • Immediate need: Training for new staff on NextGen's platform

    • Quick win: Implementing one-click report generation for weekly sales meetings

  4. Recent Challenges:

    • New issue: Minor data discrepancies in the returns processing module

    • Progress: Successfully resolved last month's API integration issues

  5. Customer Feedback:

    • "The new dashboard design is much more intuitive." - Alex Johnson, Store Manager

  6. Action Items:

    • Schedule comprehensive training session for new staff within two weeks

    • Investigate and resolve data discrepancies in returns processing module

    • Immediate attention: Expedite the implementation of one-click report generation feature

Executive Business Review (EBR) Prep

Description: This prompt analyzes call transcripts with executive stakeholders to provide strategic insights for an executive business review. It focuses on strategic value, high-level performance, opportunities and risks, future roadmap, executive sentiments, and strategic recommendations.

Sample Output:

NextGen Analytics and their customer, Global Retail Corp:

  1. Strategic Value & ROI:

    • NextGen's predictive analytics have contributed to a 7% increase in overall revenue for Global Retail Corp.

    • Estimated ROI of 250% over the past year, primarily through improved inventory management and targeted marketing.

  2. High-Level Performance:

    • Critical KPI: Customer Lifetime Value has increased by 18% since implementation.

    • Trend aligns with Global Retail's goal of enhancing customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

  3. Strategic Opportunities & Risks:

    • Opportunity: Potential for NextGen to support Global Retail's upcoming e-commerce platform overhaul.

    • Risk: Emerging competitors in the APAC market may impact Global Retail's expansion plans.

  4. Future Roadmap:

    • Global Retail aims to achieve 40% of sales through digital channels within the next 3 years.

    • NextGen's AI-driven personalization aligns well with Global Retail's focus on hyper-personalized shopping experiences.

  5. Executive Sentiments:

    • "NextGen has become an integral part of our data-driven decision-making process." - Emily Wong, CEO

    • "The insights we've gained have transformed our approach to customer engagement." - David Miller, CMO

  6. Strategic Recommendations:

    • Develop a joint innovation lab to co-create solutions for Global Retail's e-commerce overhaul.

    • Align NextGen's roadmap to support Global Retail's APAC expansion with localized analytics capabilities.

    • Key area for alignment: Integrate NextGen's analytics more deeply with Global Retail's supply chain operations to support their sustainability initiatives.

Renewal Review


The Renewal Review prep prompt analyzes previous call transcripts between your company's team and the customer to prepare for an upcoming renewal discussion. It focuses on value realization, usage and adoption trends, customer satisfaction, success stories, future needs, renewal readiness, and strategic recommendations. This prompt is designed to help you gather comprehensive insights to demonstrate the ongoing value of the partnership, address potential renewal concerns, and identify key information gaps for the renewal discussion.

Sample Output:

NextGen Operations and their client, Optimus360:

  1. Value Realization:

    • ROI:

      • NexGen Operations' implementation of Optimus360's resource allocation capabilities has led to a 15% improvement in project efficiency and a 10% reduction in overhead costs.

      • Optimus360’s automation features have decreased manual labor in resource planning by 25%, freeing up valuable time for strategic initiatives.

    • Key Challenges Addressed:

      • NexGen faced significant delays in project rollouts due to manual resource allocation and planning processes. Optimus360’s predictive analytics has enabled them to streamline these processes, resulting in a 20% reduction in project delays.

      • The integration of Optimus360 has allowed NexGen to better align their internal operations with their data-driven goals, particularly in customizing resource allocation to match specific project requirements.

  2. Usage and Adoption:

    • Trend:

      • There has been a 25% increase in the daily active use of Optimus360’s planning and resource management workflows over the past quarter, with more teams adopting its features.

      • NexGen’s leadership has started to incorporate Optimus360 into executive planning sessions, indicating a deeper integration into the company’s strategic operations.

    • Strong Adoption:

      • The core planning and resource allocation features of Optimus360 have been fully integrated into NexGen’s daily operations, becoming essential tools for project management.

      • Teams are relying heavily on Optimus360’s scenario planning capabilities to forecast and manage resources for upcoming projects.

    • Underutilization:

      • The reporting and analytics features of Optimus360 are still underutilized, with only 60% of their potential being realized. This is primarily due to the challenges in aligning these features with NexGen’s internal financial reporting systems.

      • Optimus360’s collaboration tools are being used sparingly, as teams are still adjusting to the platform’s communication functionalities.

  3. Customer Satisfaction:

    • Overall Sentiment:

      • NexGen Operations has expressed a generally positive sentiment towards Optimus360, particularly appreciating the platform’s functionality, reliability, and the support provided by the Optimus360 team.

      • The ability to customize and scale Optimus360’s features to meet specific project needs has been highlighted as a significant advantage.

    • Recurring Pain Points:

      • There are ongoing challenges related to aligning Optimus360’s data with NexGen’s internal financial systems, leading to occasional discrepancies in reporting.

      • The delay in real-time data updates during peak usage periods has been noted as a minor yet recurring issue, impacting time-sensitive decision-making processes.

  4. Success Stories:

    • Notable Achievements:

      • NexGen successfully launched a large-scale project rollout, leveraging Optimus360’s resource management and allocation features, resulting in a 30% faster completion time compared to previous methods.

      • The optimization of resource allocation through Optimus360 has led to a 12% reduction in operational costs, directly contributing to NexGen’s bottom line.

    • Operational Efficiency:

      • By utilizing Optimus360’s predictive analytics, NexGen was able to anticipate and mitigate potential resource shortages, leading to smoother project execution and a 15% increase in overall productivity.

      • Optimus360’s scenario planning tools allowed NexGen to navigate unexpected project changes with minimal disruption, showcasing the platform’s flexibility and robustness.

  5. Future Needs:

    • Emerging Requirements:

      • As NexGen continues to expand its operations, there is a growing need for integration with new financial software to enhance data synchronization and streamline reporting processes.

      • NexGen is also looking to enhance its project forecasting capabilities by integrating more AI-driven insights from Optimus360, particularly for long-term strategic planning.

    • Alignment:

      • Optimus360’s upcoming updates to its automation features align well with NexGen’s goal of scaling operations efficiently. These enhancements will likely play a key role in supporting NexGen’s growth strategy.

      • The planned improvements in data integration and visualization within Optimus360 will address NexGen’s current challenges in reporting and data alignment, further strengthening the partnership.

  6. Renewal Readiness:

    • Positive Indicators:

      • Increased adoption of Optimus360’s features across various departments at NexGen, coupled with positive feedback from key stakeholders, indicates a strong likelihood of renewal.

      • The expansion of the user base and executive buy-in at NexGen suggest a deepening reliance on Optimus360 for daily operations and long-term planning.

    • Potential Obstacles:

      • Budget constraints due to recent company-wide financial restructuring could pose a challenge to renewal if additional costs are incurred for custom integrations or support.

      • The ongoing challenges in data alignment between Optimus360 and NexGen’s internal systems may need to be resolved to ensure continued satisfaction and justify the renewal.

  7. Renewal Clarity Questions:

    • What specific ROI targets does NexGen need to achieve to justify the renewal of Optimus360?

    • How will the integration of new financial software impact NexGen's usage of Optimus360, and what support will be needed to ensure a smooth transition?

    • What additional features or services could make the renewal decision a “no-brainer” for NexGen?

  8. Strategic Recommendations:

    • Emphasize:

      • The operational cost savings and efficiency gains achieved through the use of Optimus360 should be highlighted during renewal discussions. These outcomes demonstrate the tangible value that Optimus360 brings to NexGen’s operations.

    • Highlight:

      • The alignment of Optimus360’s product roadmap with NexGen’s future scaling strategy should be underscored to show how the platform will continue to support NexGen’s growth and evolving needs.

    • Consider Offering:

      • A complimentary pilot of Optimus360’s new automation features could be offered as part of the renewal package. This would allow NexGen to experience the benefits of these enhancements firsthand, potentially addressing any lingering concerns.

Deal Progression Analysis


The Deal Progression Analysis prompt analyzes transcripts of recent sales calls with a deal prospect. It provides insights to help you better understand the deal dynamics and plan your next steps. This prompt focuses on identifying decision makers, assessing the buyer's journey, understanding pain points and needs, clarifying budget and timeline, evaluating competitive stance, addressing objections and concerns, defining next steps, and suggesting deal strategy. By extracting these key insights from call transcripts, this prompt helps sales teams strategically progress deals and identify potential roadblocks.

Sample Output:

NextGen Analytics and a prospective customer, TechInnovate Corp:

  1. Decision Makers:

    • Key stakeholders: Sarah Chen (CTO, primary contact), Michael Lee (CFO), Amanda Rodriguez (Head of Data Science)

    • Missing: CEO involvement might be necessary for final sign-off

  2. Buyer's Journey:

    • Current stage: Solution Exploration

    • Readiness indicators: Requested pricing information, discussed implementation scenarios

  3. Pain Points and Needs:

    • Primary challenges: Inefficient data processing, lack of real-time insights, siloed data across departments

    • Solution alignment: Our real-time analytics platform addresses their data processing and insight needs; integration capabilities can help with data silos

  4. Budget and Timeline:

    • Budget: Mentioned a ballpark figure of $500K-$750K annually

    • Timeline: Aiming to implement a solution by Q4 this year

  5. Competitive Stance:

    • Other solutions: Considering DataPro and AnalyticsMaster

    • Our strengths: More comprehensive real-time capabilities, better integration options

    • Our weaknesses: Higher price point, longer implementation time

  6. Objections and Concerns:

    • Main objections: Concerns about implementation complexity and ROI timeline

    • Addressed: Provided case studies of successful implementations, but ROI timeline needs further discussion

  7. Next Steps:

    • Agreed actions: Schedule a technical deep dive with their data science team; provide a custom ROI projection

    • Pending: Awaiting their current data architecture details

  8. Deal Strategy:

    • Key actions:

      1. Arrange a meeting with the CEO to secure executive buy-in

      2. Develop a phased implementation plan to address complexity concerns

    • Potential risk to mitigate: Competitor DataPro is offering a significantly lower price point

This analysis reveals that while TechInnovate Corp is actively exploring our solution and we're well-aligned with their needs, there are several areas requiring attention. Securing executive buy-in, addressing implementation concerns, and clearly demonstrating our value proposition against lower-priced competitors will be crucial in progressing this deal.

Sales Manager - Deal Audit - Analysis


The Sales Manager - Deal Audit prompt analyzes sales call transcripts for a specific deal. It provides key insights and generates potential questions for the sales manager to ask the Account Executive (AE) during their review meeting. This prompt focuses on decision makers, budget and authority, timeline and urgency, pain points and needs, competitive landscape, objections and concerns, next steps and commitment, and deal confidence. By extracting these key insights from call transcripts and suggesting probing questions, this prompt helps sales managers validate or challenge the AE's assessment of the deal stage and close date.

Sample Output:

NextGen Analytics and a prospective customer, GlobalTech Solutions:

  1. Decision Makers:

    • Key stakeholders: John Smith (CIO), Emma Johnson (Head of Data Analytics), Robert Chen (CFO)

    • Potential questions:

      • Who else needs to be involved in the decision-making process?

      • How aligned are John, Emma, and Robert on the need for our solution?

  2. Budget and Authority:

    • Mentions: "Significant budget allocated for data infrastructure upgrade" (John Smith)

    • Potential questions:

      • What's our understanding of GlobalTech's budget allocation process?

      • Have we confirmed that Robert Chen has final budget authority?

  3. Timeline and Urgency:

    • Mentions: "Looking to implement before fiscal year end" (Emma Johnson)

    • Potential questions:

      • What's driving their end-of-fiscal-year deadline?

      • Are there any potential budget cuts or leadership changes that could delay the close?

  4. Pain Points and Needs:

    • Main challenges: Data silos, slow decision-making process, inability to perform real-time analytics

    • Potential questions:

      • How critical is solving their data silo problem compared to other business priorities?

      • How well does our real-time analytics feature address their decision-making bottlenecks?

  5. Competitive Landscape:

    • Mentions: "Also considering DataFlow and AnalyticsPro" (John Smith)

    • Potential questions:

      • What specific features of DataFlow and AnalyticsPro are appealing to GlobalTech?

      • How are we positioned against these alternatives in terms of real-time capabilities?

  6. Objections and Concerns:

    • Key objections: Implementation time, training requirements, data security

    • Potential questions:

      • How have we addressed their concerns about implementation time?

      • Are there any hidden concerns about data security that we haven't fully uncovered?

  7. Next Steps and Commitment:

    • Discussed: Technical deep dive session, ROI analysis presentation

    • Potential questions:

      • What specific, mutually agreed-upon next steps are in place after the technical deep dive?

      • How engaged is Emma Johnson in moving these next steps forward?

  8. Deal Confidence:

    • Positive signals: Multiple stakeholder engagement, detailed technical discussions

    • Negative signals: Budget approval process unclear, competitive evaluation ongoing

    • Potential questions:

      • What gives you confidence in the current stage and projected close date?

      • What's the biggest risk to closing this deal before their fiscal year end?

This analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the deal status with GlobalTech Solutions, highlighting areas of strength and potential concern. The suggested questions will help the sales manager probe deeper into the AE's understanding of the deal dynamics and validate the current deal stage and projected close date.

Training Prep Analysis


The Training Prep prompt analyzes recent call transcripts with a customer to prepare for their upcoming training session. It extracts key insights to help tailor the training and address specific needs. This prompt focuses on the current situation, overall sentiment, product usage, team structure, goals and objectives, pain points, technical environment, skill levels, previous training experiences, success metrics, and immediate concerns. By extracting these key insights from call transcripts, this prompt helps trainers customize their sessions to align with the customer's specific context, challenges, and goals, ensuring a more effective and relevant training experience.

Sample Output:

NextGen Analytics and their customer, EcoTech Solutions:

  1. Current Situation:

    • Recently expanded use of NextGen's data visualization module

    • Ongoing project to integrate NextGen's platform with their CRM system

  2. Overall Sentiment:

    • Generally positive attitude towards NextGen's product

    • Enthusiasm about the potential of the new data visualization features

  3. Product Usage:

    • Heavily using predictive analytics and reporting features

    • Underutilizing advanced segmentation capabilities

  4. Team Structure:

    • Key departments: Marketing, Sales, and Business Intelligence

    • Primary contact: Sarah Lee, Head of Business Intelligence

  5. Goals and Objectives:

    • Aim to improve data-driven decision making across departments

    • Success for training: Team able to create custom dashboards independently

  6. Pain Points:

    • Difficulty in creating complex, multi-source dashboards

    • Manual data cleaning process before using NextGen's analytics tools

  7. Technical Environment:

    • Using Salesforce CRM and Oracle database

    • Limited API access to some legacy systems

  8. Skill Levels:

    • BI team has advanced data analysis skills

    • Marketing team needs more support with statistical concepts

  9. Previous Training:

    • Initial onboarding focused on basic features

    • Found hands-on exercises most helpful

  10. Success Metrics:

    • Tracking time saved on report generation

    • Monitoring adoption rates across departments

  11. Immediate Concerns:

    • Urgent need to create a comprehensive executive dashboard

    • Questions about best practices for data governance within NextGen's platform

Based on this analysis, the training session for EcoTech Solutions should:

  1. Focus heavily on advanced dashboard creation, especially multi-source dashboards

  2. Include a segment on best practices for data governance

  3. Provide hands-on exercises for both BI and Marketing teams, with extra support on statistical concepts for the Marketing team

  4. Demonstrate efficient data cleaning techniques within NextGen's platform

  5. Showcase advanced segmentation capabilities and their potential applications

  6. Include a practical exercise on creating an executive dashboard

  7. Discuss strategies for increasing adoption rates across departments

  8. Address the ongoing CRM integration project and its implications for using NextGen's platform

  9. Provide guidance on leveraging the new data visualization features effectively

This tailored approach will ensure that the training addresses EcoTech Solutions' most pressing needs, aligns with their current projects and goals, and provides value to team members across different skill levels and departments.

New Customer Overview


The New Customer Overview prompt analyzes sales call transcripts for a new client to generate a concise yet comprehensive report for the customer success team or deal desk. This prompt focuses on creating a handoff document that covers key areas such as company overview, goals and challenges, client expectations, success metrics, priority needs, growth potential, key stakeholders, risks and issues, and recommendations. By synthesizing relevant details from transcripts into a coherent narrative, this prompt provides strategic context to guide successful client onboarding and relationship management.

Sample Output:

NextGen Analytics and their new client, GreenLeaf Innovations:

New Customer Overview: GreenLeaf Innovations

  1. Company Overview: GreenLeaf Innovations is a rapidly growing sustainable agriculture technology company. They specialize in developing smart farming solutions, including IoT sensors, data analytics platforms, and AI-driven crop management systems. Founded in 2015, they've experienced 200% year-over-year growth and are expanding into international markets.

  2. Goals and Challenges:

    • Primary Goal: Scale data analytics capabilities to support global expansion

    • Key Challenges: a) Integrating diverse data sources from various IoT devices and regional databases b) Providing real-time insights to farmers across different time zones and climates c) Ensuring data security and compliance with international agricultural regulations

  3. Client Expectations:

    • Seamless integration of NextGen's analytics platform with existing IoT infrastructure

    • Customizable dashboards for different user roles (farmers, agronomists, executives)

    • 24/7 support to match their global operations

    • Regular updates and feature enhancements to stay ahead in the agritech space

  4. Success Metrics:

    • 30% reduction in data processing time

    • 20% improvement in crop yield predictions accuracy

    • 50% increase in platform adoption by farmers within the first year

    • 15% reduction in resource waste (water, fertilizers) through optimized recommendations

  5. Priority Needs:

    • Real-time data processing and analytics for IoT sensor data

    • Advanced predictive modeling for crop yield and resource management

    • Multi-language support for global user base

    • Mobile-friendly interface for on-field access

  6. Growth Potential:

    • Expansion into livestock management analytics

    • Integration with drone technology for aerial crop monitoring

    • Development of a marketplace for third-party agritech apps built on our platform

  7. Key Stakeholders:

    • Sarah Chen, CTO - Technical decision maker

    • Dr. Michael Rodriguez, Chief Agronomist - Domain expert and primary user

    • Emma Thompson, CFO - Financial decision maker

    • John Smith, VP of Customer Success - Main point of contact for farmers

  8. Risks and Issues:

    • Complex integration with legacy systems in some regions

    • High expectations for immediate ROI from board members

    • Potential resistance to technology adoption from traditional farmers

    • Concerns about data ownership and privacy from some European partners

  9. Recommendations:

    • Implement a phased onboarding approach, starting with their core markets

    • Conduct specialized training sessions for agronomists and farmer representatives

    • Develop a comprehensive data governance plan to address privacy concerns

    • Set up a joint innovation task force to align our product roadmap with their expansion plans

    • Establish a regular executive briefing cadence to manage expectations and showcase progress

This overview provides a strategic foundation for the customer success team to effectively onboard and manage the relationship with GreenLeaf Innovations. The combination of their rapid growth, global expansion, and innovative technology stack presents both significant opportunities and challenges. Focusing on seamless integration, customization, and proactive support will be key to ensuring their success and fostering long-term partnership growth.

Success Plan Generation


The Success Plan prompt analyzes sales call transcripts to create a draft success plan for a new client. This prompt focuses on identifying the top customer goals, key success milestones, potential challenges, important stakeholders, and immediate next steps. By extracting and synthesizing this information from call transcripts, the prompt provides a structured starting point for the customer success team to refine and discuss with the client, ensuring alignment and setting clear expectations for the engagement.

Sample Output:

NextGen Analytics and their new client, TechPro Solutions:

Draft Success Plan: TechPro Solutions

  1. Top Customer Goals: a) Improve Customer Retention

    • Description: Leverage data analytics to predict and prevent customer churn

    • Metrics: Reduce monthly churn rate from 5% to 2.5% within 6 months

    • Customer Quote: "If we could cut our churn in half, it would be a game-changer for our business." - Sarah Lee, COO

    • Key Stakeholder: Mark Johnson, Head of Customer Success

    b) Optimize Marketing Spend

    • Description: Use predictive analytics to allocate marketing budget more effectively

    • Metrics: Increase marketing ROI by 30% within the first year

    • Customer Quote: "We're spending a lot on marketing, but we're not sure which channels are really driving growth." - Alex Chen, CMO

    • Key Stakeholder: Alex Chen, CMO

    c) Streamline Supply Chain

    • Description: Implement real-time analytics for inventory management and demand forecasting

    • Metrics: Reduce stockouts by 40% and overstock by 25% within 9 months

    • Customer Quote: "Our supply chain inefficiencies are eating into our margins. We need to get smarter about this." - David Patel, VP of Operations

    • Key Stakeholder: David Patel, VP of Operations

  2. Success Milestones: a) Month 1: Complete data integration and system setup b) Month 3: Launch customer churn prediction model c) Month 6: Implement cross-channel marketing attribution model d) Month 9: Roll out supply chain optimization dashboard

  3. Potential Challenges: a) Data Quality Issues

    • Mitigation: Conduct thorough data audit and cleansing process in first month b) User Adoption Resistance

    • Mitigation: Develop comprehensive training program and identify department-level champions c) Integration with Legacy Systems

    • Mitigation: Work closely with TechPro's IT team to create custom APIs where necessary

  4. Key Stakeholders:

    • Sarah Lee, COO - Executive Sponsor

    • Alex Chen, CMO - Marketing Lead

    • David Patel, VP of Operations - Supply Chain Lead

    • Mark Johnson, Head of Customer Success - Retention Lead

    • Emma Wong, CTO - Technical Lead

  5. Next Steps: a) Schedule kick-off meeting with all key stakeholders b) Begin data integration process with TechPro's IT team c) Conduct user needs assessment across departments d) Develop detailed project plan with specific timelines and responsibilities

This draft success plan provides a structured overview of TechPro Solutions' key goals, milestones, and potential challenges. It serves as a starting point for the customer success team to refine the plan in collaboration with the client. The focus on specific, measurable goals tied to key stakeholders should help drive accountability and alignment throughout the engagement.

Custom Prompt


The Custom Prompt feature allows users to create their own specific prompts for analyzing call transcripts or generating particular outputs. This flexibility enables users to tailor their analysis to their unique needs, going beyond the pre-defined prompts provided in the extension.

With the custom prompt, you can ask anything about your calls or craft any prompt you wish to use for analysis. This open-text field gives you the freedom to focus on specific aspects of your calls, generate specialized reports, or extract particular insights that are most relevant to your business needs.

How to Use:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Prompt section in the TranscribeIQ extension.

  2. In the open text field, type your custom prompt or question.

  3. Ensure your prompt clearly specifies what you want to analyze or what kind of output you're looking for.

  4. Submit your custom prompt to receive tailored insights from your call transcripts.

Example Custom Prompts:

  1. Competitor Analysis:

    Analyze the call transcripts and identify any mentions of our competitors. For each competitor mentioned, provide:
    - The context in which they were brought up
    - Any specific features or benefits the customer compared to our offering
    - Our representative's response or handling of the comparison
    Summarize the findings and suggest ways we can better position ourselves against these competitors in future calls.
  2. Product Feature Requests:

    Review the call transcripts and extract any explicit or implied product feature requests from customers. For each feature request:
    - Describe the feature and the problem it would solve
    - Note how frequently it was mentioned across different calls
    - Assess its potential impact on customer satisfaction or sales
    Compile these into a prioritized list based on frequency and potential impact.
  3. Call Quality Assessment:

    Evaluate the quality of our sales calls based on the following criteria:
    - Proper greeting and introduction
    - Effective need discovery questions
    - Clear explanation of our product's benefits
    - Handling of objections
    - Appropriate use of social proof or case studies
    - Strong close or next steps
    For each criterion, provide a score out of 10 and specific examples from the calls. Conclude with overall strengths and areas for improvement.
  4. Customer Sentiment Analysis:

    Analyze the emotional tone and sentiment expressed by customers throughout the calls. Identify:
    - Key moments where sentiment shifted (positively or negatively)
    - Phrases or topics that consistently elicited positive responses
    - Areas of the conversation that led to frustration or confusion
    Provide a summary of overall customer sentiment and suggestions for improving positive sentiment in future calls.
  5. Compliance Check:

    Review the call transcripts for compliance with our company's communication policies and relevant industry regulations. Specifically, check for:
    - Proper disclosure of terms and conditions
    - Appropriate handling of customer data and privacy information
    - Avoidance of prohibited claims or guarantees
    - Correct use of approved language around pricing and promotions
    Flag any potential compliance issues, providing the specific quote and timestamp from the call.

These examples demonstrate the versatility of the Custom Prompt feature. Users can create prompts that focus on specific business needs, whether it's competitive analysis, product development, sales training, customer experience improvement, or regulatory compliance.

Remember, the effectiveness of your custom prompt depends on its clarity and specificity. Be sure to clearly state what you're looking for and provide any necessary context or criteria for the analysis.

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